Patents protect inventions. This provides many competitive advantages. A U.S. patent owner has the right to exclude others from making, using, selling or importing the invention in the United States, thus deterring competitors and granting the patent owner freedom to operate. A patent owner can sell or license the patented invention or use the patent to acquire investors and financing.
Preparing and prosecuting patent applications before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is a specialized practice. We are licensed to practice before the U.S.P.T.O and we represent clients in the preparation, filing and prosecution of patent applications in the following areas of technical expertise: mechanical devices, electronic devices, consumer products, mobile application software, and optical devices.
In addition, we are experienced in conducting patentability searches and providing infringement and validity opinions. We are fully versed in the preparation and filing of international patent applications through the Patent Cooperation Treaty. We also represent patent owners in transactions and licensing, and patent infringement litigation.
For basic information on patents and the patent process, click here. If you wish to file a patent application or need help with an existing patent, Contact Us to get started.