You and I, Esquire is the place where You and I explore the world of intellectual property, its ever-increasing importance and value to you, the intellectual property owner, and where you and I discuss how best to protect your intellectual property.
You… are a content creator. Now, I use this term very broadly. To me, a content creator is anyone who creates and owns intellectual property. And Intellectual Property covers many things. It includes all manner of creative expression: a movie, a book, a painting, a photograph, a piece of music, a You tube video. If you create any of these things, you are a Content Creator And the content that you have created is your intellectual Property.
Perhaps you’re an entrepreneur. With a start-up. Well, then You are also a content creator. Your brand, your logo, your designs, your invention, your ideas. All of these are considered intellectual property. All of these things are considered Content. And, if you want to make money from your Content, then you must begin by legally protecting your Content. At You and I Esquire you learn to do precisely that.
The I in You and I Esquire is me. Keith Fraser. I am a lawyer here in California where I have specialized in Intellectual Property law for the past 20 years and what I have witnessed in those past 20 years or so, can best be described as a Content Revolution. A revolution in how Content is Created. A revolution in how Content is Distributed and a revolution in How Content is Consumed. Heck, even a revolution in what is considered Content. And these changes have altered significantly the role and importance of intellectual property in what is now a truly globally connected culture.
Bottom line is this: Whereas intellectual property and intellectual property law was once the exclusive domain of the large, well-funded corporation, that is no longer the case. It is now more than ever, the domain of the individual. Like you and me. Us content creators are ever-growing in number. And the intellectual property we create is and will be of increasingly significant value. And the ability for an individual to successfully commercially exploit their intellectual property on a global scale has never been more possible and it has never been easier.
With You and I, Esquire (along with The Fraser Firm, P.C.), you can take control of your intellectual property rights, know how to recognize these rights, how to value them, how to secure them and how to enforce them.
So, check this space and explore the other pages on The Fraser Firm website and you will learn a thing or two about how to protect your intellectual property. Also, check @youandIesquire on Youtube: