As the name suggests, a Poor Man’s Copyright is supposed to be a cheap and easy way to establish copyright protection. You are the original creator of some creative work and you want to protect it but you don’t have any money to hire a lawyer or go through the registration process with the copyright office.
Well, whatever your situation is: Stay Away from anything called a Poor Man’s Copyright. I am not even going to explain what a Poor Man’s Copyright is, Because, frankly, to do so would be beneath you. The only reason I am mentioning its name is so that when you are out and about and come across or hear tell of a Poor Man’s Copyright, you will know to stay away.
There is no such thing as a Poor Man’s Copyright!
You may not have two nickels to rub together but there is something you need to understand. If you are a person who has created an original creative work that is subject to copyright protection then what you do have in your hot little hand is a very valuable piece of property.
In fact, that’s a good way to illustrate my point. Instead of referring to it as intellectual property, just use the word property.
Everyone understands that property- real property -Land- a house- has value. If you are a landowner, and this is true throughout history and holds true up to today- you are part of a small, rare, and wealthy group. Not only does the same hold true for intellectual property, I would argue that in this day and age, the potential value of your intellectual property is as great or even greater than said house or land.
So, get this notion of a poor man’s copyright out of your head. It is harmful thinking that only serves to cut you off at the knees from a standpoint of you taking that intellectual property and doing something with it. Never have you been in a better position than you are today to do something with your intellectual property. Thus, no one with a piece of property subject to copyright protection is poor. Treat that property accordingly. Treat yourself accordingly, and Protect yourself Properly.
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